EcoTentsstructure is one of the divisions of BDiR Tensile Structure. Through providing genuine and professional service, engineering high-quality products, and continuous improvement, we have gradually developed a great reputation in the field of geodesic dome kit manufacturing and export and have been recognized by some important certifications.
Welcome to download the fabric technical report, flame retardant report, and more product certification from our Download Center.
√. ISO9001 & ISO14000 Certifications
Our company has been certificated to both ISO 9001 and ISO 14000 standards and observed the specific requirements in a bid to make sure our customers will be beneficial from our products and services and to give an impetus to our continuous improvement.
√. SGS Certifications
Our covering products have passed the SGS testing, demonstrating our coating materials high-performance in terms of flammability, fuji, and UV resistance. Coupled with inflexible geodesic structure, you can be assured about the safety of our dome.
√. CE Certificate & RoHS certification
Our products also get CE & RoHS certified proven our dome gear qualifying the relative specification of entering the European Economic Area.