Glamping tents give the impression that it is a must-have item for outdoor camping, which can block wind, rain and sunlight. Eco tent occupy the market of glamping resorts. In other words, the glamping hotel is a single-family, just like living in a glamping tent, its light steel structure and wooden structure are combined. The interior is equipped with various facilities such as traditional guest rooms, which is exotic.
The advantage of the product is that you can set up camping tents according to the passenger flow at any time. It is low-carbon and environmentally friendly, simple and comfortable. There is no need to worry about a series of issues such as heat insulation, sound insulation, heating, lighting, etc., because these are not problems.
In mainland China, the BDiR team: professional glamping tent manufacturer, design and produce camp tents, outdoor spherical tents, starry tent hotels, scenic tents, spherical tents, and wild luxury tents one-stop solution for customers!
BDiR Inc’s tent structures must also have excellent cold resistance, heat resistance, covering properties, creep resistance, fatigue resistance, wear resistance and bending resistance.